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Ratification of the Constitution


Reading: 2.4

Students will be able to:

• Identify the steps required to ratify the Constitution

• Describe arguments the framers raised in support of a strong national government and counterpoints raised by the Antifederalists


Day 1:
Explain and provide debate activity, assign each student their position.

In groups, students will read excerpts from Federalist No.10 and other Federalist Papers and work together to answer the discussion questions.


Day 2:

In groups, students will read excerpts from Brutus I and other Antifederalist Papers and work together to answer the discussion questions


Each group will create a T-chart showing the Federalist and Antifederalist arguments about the Constitution.


Day 3:

Each student will debate their assigned position of Federalist or Antifederalist and will have a class debate.

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